Layanan Repositori Pengetahuan dan Data Bencana NTT

FPRB Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

A Systematic Review of Airborne Microplastics Emissions as Emerging Contaminants in Outdoor and Indoor Air Environments


Microplastics (MPs) are emerging contaminants that pose potential threats to human health and the environment. This study systematically reviews the differences in MP properties in indoor and outdoor air. Based on 37 selected publications, polyester was the dominant polymer in indoor air, while polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was prevalent in outdoor air. Key indoor sources of MPs include synthetic textiles, plastic kitchen utensils, synthetic fiber carpets, detergents, and furniture, whereas outdoor sources mainly stem from industrial emissions, vehicle particulates, plastic waste burning, oceanic wave action, and plastic degradation. Fibers were the most common MP shape in both environments. White and transparent MPs were dominant indoors, while black MPs were most abundant outdoors. Given their widespread presence and potential hazards, governments should implement measures to reduce plastic production, promote reuse, and enhance recycling efforts.



Topik tematik:

Jenis Arsip:
Tahun terbit: 2024
Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris
Penulis: Zahra Noorimotlagh, Philip K. Hopke, Seyyed Abbas Mirzaee
Penerbit: Chinese Roots Global Impact
Lisensi: Hak Cipta Terdaftar
Format: PDF
Ukuran File: 1
# Hal: 12 halaman

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