Layanan Repositori Pengetahuan dan Data Bencana NTT

FPRB Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Community Based Disaster Management

Community Based Disaster Management
Community Based Disaster Management

The term community has been used very loosely and has been given different interpretations by different people. Generally speaking, the term is used to refer to a racial community, or a religious community or a national community or a caste community or a linguistic community or a professional community or sometimes, to refer to the entire mankind in a restricted sense. It is often used to mean an association or group, and in a wider sense, it is used to refer to the entire humanity.

Kingsley Davis defines community as “the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life” while MacIver states that “Community is an area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence”. Ogpurn and Nimkoff supports MacIver by describing community as “a group or collection of groups that inhabits a locality”. Community is, therefore, a geographic area of social living having common centers of interests and activities and marked by some degree of social coherence.

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