Case Study: Disaster Risk Assessment in Nagekeo District, East Nusa Tenggara

This case study discusses the implementation of disaster risk assessment training and workshop, as part of lines of activities to formulate disaster risk assessment documents in Nagekeo District. The training was aimed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct disaster risk assessment especially by using QGIS and InaSAFE. It involved 23 people as participants with the majority representing the local government and a few of them representing non-government organizations.
Topik tematik:
Jenis Arsip: Hasil Riset
Tahun terbit: 2016
Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris
Penulis: InaSAFE
Penerbit: InaSAFE
Lisensi: Publik
Format: PDF
Ukuran File: 1
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